Grass Cutting
The Parish Council has a Service Level Agreement with Leicestershire County Council for the 2023 - 2025 seasons for the cutting of the verges in the village between the 30 mph signs.
The Parish Council has a Grass Cutting Specfication.
The council has a contract with Leicestershire Gardens for 14 cuts between March and October 2024. They charge £110 a cut and the council will receive reimbursement of £411.84 for the 2023 season from the County Council. There is flexibility on the number and timing of cuts depending on weather conditions. The contractor also cuts a steep bank on Melton Road once a month and charges an additional £25 for each strim.
Quotation from Leicestershire Gardens - accepted by the Parish Council at their meeting on 14/11/23
Cutting of grass on the roads in between towns and villages (40 mph and above, classed as rural grass cutting routes) are the responsibility of Leicestershire County Council. Motorways and Trunk Roads are cut by Highways England.