Accounts 1/4/17 to 31/3/18
Final Accounts for 2017 / 18
Financial Documents for the 2017 / 18 Financial Year:
Final Accounts showing all items of expenditure including those above £100 - click here
Annual Governance Statement and Accountability Return 2017 / 18 - click here
This document includes:
Certificate of Exemption
Annual Internal Audit Report
Annual Governance Statement
Accounting Statements
Final Bank Reconciliation for the year - click here
Explanation of variances from 2016 / 17 year - click here
Budget for 2017 / 18
Revised budget set 11/7/17
At the meeting on 11/7/17 a revised budget was approved, updated based on the actual figures carried over at the 31/3/17, rather than estimates. This takes into account a £3,000 grant received for work on the Neighbourhood Plan. There is no change to the precept.
Revised budget for 2017/18 taking into account the actual figures at 31/3/07
A budget / precept of £5,117 was agreed at the Parish Council Meeting on 10th January 2017. The increase of £1017 on the previous year's budget is due mainly to the following factors:
Defibrillator - the £126 Annual Support Agreement with the Community Heartbeat Trust is a new annual cost
Contingency - this has been increased from £754 to £1,000 on the advice if the Internal Auditor
The amount for the Village Hall has been increased from £345 to £1,000. This is to enable the Parish Council to meet the estimated charge of £3,500 which Merton College require to oversee the renovation work on the Village Hall, a requirement of the lease recently signed by the Parish Council as Custodian Trustee. The Parish Council had already built up reserves of £2,000 in anticipation of this. The remaining £500 will be raised through subsequent years' budget should this become necessary.