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Environment Group Launch Meeting
5th January 2016

The Environment work for Tur Langton Neighbourhood Plan was launched at a well-attended public meeting on 5th January 2016 with a presentation by John Martin from yourlocale.  John has a wealth of experience in this area and will be helping to facilitate the work of this group as it develops. 


The slides from the presentation can be seen here.

John explained the role of the Environment Chapter in the Neighbourhood Plan and how this fits in with the national planning legislation.  The objective of the Environment Group is to identify “Local Green Spaces”.  The presentation went on to explain how these Local Green Spaces, can be given statutory protection through the plan and the criteria for including them.


John had also identified existing designations, which he detailed in his presentation.  Some of these slides, which are included in the presentation, can be seen in more detail below. 

Historical Environment Designations


Historic Environmental Records (excluding listed buildings)



Historic Non Statutory designations



Listed Buildings

































Statutory Historic Sites


Listed Building Map

Natural Environment Designations


Natural England Habitat Designations  



Environmental Stewardship Agreements



Woodland Grant Schemes


Other Designations

Local Green Spaces, Sport and Recreation Sites


Proposal Map 



Public Rights of Way



Risk of flooding from surface water



Conservation Area


John concluded with a suggested approach citing examples from other plans he is working on.


Some people gave their contact details at the end of the meeting, forming the nucleus of a group to work on the Environment Section.  More volunteers are encouraged; if anyone is interested they should give their details to the Parish Council clerk.

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