Parish Council Meetings 9th May 2017
Annual Parish Meeting
9th May 2017 at 7 p.m.
Agenda Annual Parish Meeting 9th May 2017
Minutes Annual Parish Meeting 9th May 2017
Annual Parish Council Meeting
9th May 2017 at 7.30 p.m.
Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting 9/5/17
Agenda Item 4 - Minutes 7/3/17
Agenda Item 8 - To Review and Adopt
8.4 - Data Protection and Information Security Policy
8.5 - Records and Retention Of Documents Policy
8.6 - Policies and Procedures for handling requests for information
Agenda Item 9 - Clerk's Report
Agenda item 11 - Defibrillator and Phone Kiosk updates
11.1 - Signing of contract for transfer of phone kiosk
Agenda item 14 - Highways
14.1 - General Update
Temporary Traffic Regulation Order - Footpath B11
Leicestershire County Council Highways Forum for Harborough
Agenda item 15 - Planning and Enforcement
15.2 - 17/00604FUL - Demolition of rear lobby and erection of a replacement lobby and erection of a car port, Langton House, Main Street, Tur Langton
15.3 - 17/00605/LBC - Demolition of rear timber lead-to bay and roof, and replace with brick lead-to bay with stone parapet and lead roof and erection of car port to driveway - Langton House, Main Street, Tur Langton
Agenda Item 16 - Finance Accounts 2016/17
16.1 - To receive and approve end of year accounts and reconciliation to 31/3/17
Agenda item 18 - Finance Accounts 2016 / 17
18.4 - New Governance and Accountability Guide
18.5 - To approve for payment
(ii) - Rural Community Council Renewal
(iii) NALC and LRALC Annual Membership Fee
(iv) Data Protection Registration Renewal
(v) - Four Counties Ground Care Grass Cutting for March
(vi) - Tur Langton Village Hall hire