Parish Council Meeting 9th March 2021
Joining Details:
Alison Gibson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Tur Langton Parish Council Meeting
Time: Mar 9, 2021 07:30 PM London
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Meeting ID: 890 2763 5320
Passcode: 989858
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Meeting ID: 890 2763 5320
Passcode: 989858
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Agenda item 8 - Insurance
Agenda item 10 - to Review and Adopt
Agenda item 11 - Finance
11.3 - List of payments arising on a regular basis for 21/22 year
11.5 - To approve for payment
11.5.1 - LRALC Internal Audit Service
11.5.2 - 2Commune email domain and management invoice
11.5.3 - Merton College, Village Hall Rent
Agenda item 12 - Village Hall
12.3 - Invoice from J.E.D. Design Ltd