Parish Council Meeting 10th January 2017
Agenda Papers
Agenda item 5 - Clerk's Report
Superfast Broadband - Harborough quarterly update
Leicestershire Communities Website
Voluntary Action South Leicestershire - VASL Newsletter
Leicestershire County Council Medium Term Financial Strategy
Agenda item 7 - To Review and Adopt
7.1 Grievance Policy
Agenda item 8 - Defibrillator
Agenda item 10 - Highways
Agenda item 12 Finance
12.3 - Reconciliation to 3/1/17
12.4(iii) To approve for payment - Tur Langton Village Hall room hire for meetings - invoice
Agenda item 13 - Precept / Budget for 2017/18
Agenda item 16 Consultations and Correspondence for information / Action
16.1 - LRALC Draft Strategic Plan Consultation
16.2 - NALC Dependant Carers' Survey
Agenda item 18 Neighbourhood Planning
18.1 - Approval of Draft Document