Parish Council Meeting 7th March 2017
Agenda Item 5 - Clerk's Report including Year Plan and LRALC Update
Agenda Item 7 - To Review and Adopt
Agenda Item 8 - Review of Aims and Objectives
Aims and Objectives for review
Agenda Item 9 - Defibrillator
Awareness Sessions Information
Agenda Item 11 - Highways
Agenda Item 14 - Insurance Renewal
Agenda item 15 - Finance​
15.2 - Reconciliation to 21/2/17
15.3 - To approve for payment:
(iii) 2Commune - Email Domain Renewal to 18/5/19
(iv) Leicestershire Footpath Association Renewal
(v) Tur Langton Village Hall Room hire for meetings
Agenda item 16 - Planning and Enforcement
16.1 - Planning Application 17/00130/FUL - Erection of single storey side and rear extensions, Crox Farmhouse, Main Street, Tur Langton
16.2 - Planning Application 17/00141/LBC - Internal alterations , including removal of internal walls and chimney, insertion of two windows and the erection of single storey side and rear extensions, Crox Farmhouse, Main Street, Tur Langton
16.3 - Planning Application 17/00213/TCA - Works to trees (fell) Pond House, Main Street, Tur Langton
Agenda item 17 - Consultations and Correspondence for Information / Action
17.1 - HDC Parish Communication Survey 2016/17
17.2 - LCC - Have your say on proposed new approach to highways maintenance